2. Install or Unzip the Arduino application,and install drivers.
3. Run the Arduino application.
4. In the Arduino application go to the “File” menu and select “Preferences”
5. In the box labeled “Additional Boards Manager URLs” Enter: http://usbninja.com/arduino/package_USBNinja_index.json and click OK
Note: If you already have additional URLs entered in that box, then click the button on the right of the box and enter this URL on a new line.
6. Go to the “Tools” menu and then the “Board” submenu – select “Boards Manager” and then from the type drop down select “Contributed”:
You’ll see the download progress on the bottom bar of the “Boards Manager” window, when complete it will show “Installed” next to that item on the list.
7. With the install complete, close the “Boards Manager” window and select the “USB Ninja Boards” from the Tools→Boards menu. “USB Ninja cable(BLE+Hall sensor)” is the board that should be selected by all new users.
The Arduino application install is now complete!
II.Connecting and programming your USBninja
1.Select“File”→“Examples”→“NinjaKeyboard”→“BLERemoteKeyboard”,Open the example.
2. Click the “Upload” in the upper left corner. After compiling, start looking for device upload firmware. There will be 60 seconds to go.
3. Plug in the USBninja cable into the computer. The magnetic ring should close to the end of the plastic shell at sametime. If there is no magnet trigger, the cable will not enter programming mode. Or plug in first, then close the magnet, and it will not enter the programming mode too.
4. After plugging in,Feel free to remove the magnet. After 2 sec, Start uploading firmware.